Why You Should Take On Boxing In 2017

by Leigh Weingus, mbg Yoga & Fitness Editor


As 2017 kicks off, many of us are using the blank slate of a new year to take pen to paper and craft goals for the coming days and months. Fitness remains a top New Year's resolution among Americans, but before you resign yourself to a daily 45-minute elliptical slog, consider taking up boxing. 

Although boxing is an ancient art and has always been a much-loved spectator sport, in the past few years, laypeople—including celebrities like Gigi Hadid and Karlie Kloss—have started boxing as a way to sweat, relieve stress, and get a full-body workout. 

Three new boxing studios opened (or announced their openings) in New York at the end of 2016: Box + Flow (which combines yoga and boxing), a new Shadowboxlocation, and a studio called Rumble, confirming our hunch that boxing is indeed the workout of 2017.

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