Studios like Los Angeles' Speedplay combine running, rowing, suspension training, and lifting for a high-intensity interval training workout that won't disappoint, YAS Fitness Centers combine yoga and spinning, and New York City's Box + Flow will get you revved up with a combination of hooks, jabs, and punches before stretching you out with an amazing flow on the floor.

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When Yoga Meets CrossFit, It's More Burn, Less Om

A new wave of aggressive yoga classes incorporates cardio, CrossFit, and even boxing to get fitness results.

There are actual punching bags at Box + Flow, which opened last November in downtown New York. The 50-minute barefoot classes begin with shadowboxing warmups, then shift to sessions on the bags with a high-energy Top 40 soundtrack, then a final session of yoga postures that ends with breathing exercises and a savasana. “It’s yin and yang, fire and water,” said founder Olivia Young, who trained for 10 years at Church Street Boxing Gym and practiced yoga for 15 before starting her own studio. “Yoga allowed me to open up and slow down. But I tend to be very high-energy, and I needed something with more adrenaline.” She cautions, however: “If you're looking to become the best boxer or the best yogi, this is not the right class.”

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10 Resolutions Health Experts Wish You Would Make

Year after year, we tend to recycle the same resolutions—lose weight, save money, go to the gym—and often with little success. Instead of making broad promises that are nearly impossible to keep, this year, why not try a goal that's a little more achievable. We asked health experts for the promises they wish people would make to themselves for the new year. Here's what they suggest.


Figure Out What You Really Want

“I wish that people would start the new year (or any beginning) with the goal of tapping deeper into their intuition and being very clear on what they want to create in all aspects of their lives: work, life, and love,” says Liv Young, founder of Box + Flow fitness studio in New York City. This requires something that's hard for many of us: being quiet and still so you can determine what exactly you want. “Listen to your heart and trust your gut,” Young suggests. “When we stop and are still and think deeply about what is important, things start to manifest.” And you may even see that it’s time to let go of things that aren’t working for you, whether that’s your job, a relationship, or something else.

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This Noho studio pairs the intensity of boxing with the mind-body benefits of yoga. Class starts on the mat with shadowboxing, holding light weights. Then, the gloves go on and you head to the bags to work on both speed and power via punches. Finally, you finish up with a 20-minute athletic yoga flow, which keeps your heart rate up while it stretches you out. The studio is small (just one room, no locker rooms), but it’s a creative, smart concept with a lot of potential.


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7 Workouts You'll Be Seeing Everywhere In 2017

A new spin on yoga.

Non-traditional approaches to yoga are here, and they're taking the fitness world by storm. Box + Flow workout studio gives New Yorkers the chance to blend boxing with yoga, the WOOM center provides a multi-sensory (smell, touch, sound) yoga workout, and there are now Drake-themed hip-hop yoga classes in Los Angeles.

"I hadn't been into yoga until this past year," trainer Chase Weber tells SELF. "You do it on your own, and you're listening to hip-hop music—it was something different. I didn't think yoga was like that." Weber says the unconventional approach to yoga hooked him and got him excited about the practice—and he anticipates the same will be true for many others.


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The best new fitness classes in NYC

Box + Flow at Box + Flow

Okay, yes, the class name is confusing—it’s the same as the studio name, get it?—but the concept is simple: boxing at the top, yoga at the bottom. This 50-minute class—which includes a shadowbox warm-up, rumble rounds and a fast-paced flow yoga scored to energizing music from Nirvana, DMX, Bon Iver and Solange—lets you get out your aggression on the punching bags, then calm down by doing downward dogs. Consider it the perfect antidote to Trump rage.

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Book These 20 Fitness Instructors Now

Olivia Young's mostto is her name. She believes everyone should "liv young," and for her that means early morning runs across the Brooklyn bridge and teaching intense, high-energy classes at Box + Flow, the innovative studio she recently founded. Follow Liv on Instagram for shots of everything she's eaten. She was formerly in the food world, so she's a firm believer in balance, which means beer and backbends are both equally important. Her classes will make you believe you might actually become a boxer someday, especially since she focuses on teaching her students perfect form. She'll cheer you on and make sure you're shimmying through the motions until your right hook is something everyone should be afraid of.

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Found in NYC: Box + Flow

Kristin Tice Studeman


When it comes to fitness, boxing and yoga are not a likely pairing. In fact, they seem like the very least likely of bedfellows. But for Olivia “Liv” Young (how perfect a name is that?), founder of the newly opened Box + Flow studio in NYC, boxing and yoga make for the yin and yang to the perfect workout. It only made sense to combine the two complementary forms of fitness into one, 50-minute class.

“Yoga hooked me when I was 15 and then, about five years later, I needed more fire so I started boxing,” said Young, a Miami transplant. “I did them in tandem because that to me was balance. It’s what I have done every single day for the past 10 years, and I realized I needed to bring this to the world.”

She went to work making her dream a reality, all while she was juggling her demanding day job as Brand and Communications Director for restaurant powerhouse Altamarea Group, where she started seven years ago, as Chef Michael White’s assistant.

Cue Box + Flow on Bond Street (right across from the lululemon lab and surrounded by a smattering of good restaurants—Fish Cheeks and The Smile, among them), which Young opened in November. Walk up the stairs and into the dark, candlelit studio and you’ll find yoga mats on one side (the class is split so clients face each other while moving on the mats), punching bags on the other, and no mirrors—something that was very important to Young. “It’s set up like you are fighting someone else and flowing facing each other,” she said. “It’s about connecting to yourself and to others. You need to feel it instead of focusing on a mirror.”

On the black walls, where you might normally find a mirror, there are words and phrases like ‘swagger’ and ‘focus.’

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Why You Should Take On Boxing In 2017

by Leigh Weingus, mbg Yoga & Fitness Editor


As 2017 kicks off, many of us are using the blank slate of a new year to take pen to paper and craft goals for the coming days and months. Fitness remains a top New Year's resolution among Americans, but before you resign yourself to a daily 45-minute elliptical slog, consider taking up boxing. 

Although boxing is an ancient art and has always been a much-loved spectator sport, in the past few years, laypeople—including celebrities like Gigi Hadid and Karlie Kloss—have started boxing as a way to sweat, relieve stress, and get a full-body workout. 

Three new boxing studios opened (or announced their openings) in New York at the end of 2016: Box + Flow (which combines yoga and boxing), a new Shadowboxlocation, and a studio called Rumble, confirming our hunch that boxing is indeed the workout of 2017.

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How to Work Out When You’d Rather Be Watching Netflix

Nine ways to summon the motivation when you just. don't. feel. like. it.

By Diana Kelly


Find Ways to Make Workouts Fun

“I turn my workout into a social play date. I'll text a friend to meet up with me at a yoga or cycling class with the promise of iced coffee after—caffeine and quality time are hard to refuse! Once you're accountable to someone else, it's hard to cancel on them and yourself!”
—Kristin Calabria, trainer at Box + Flow studio, New York City

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